Struggling With Histamine? These Genes May be Your Problem

The role of histamine in our bodies is complex, to say the least. The endeavor to understand how genetics and nutrition influence this widely-used molecule may prove fruitful in addressing issues such as Histamine Intolerance, Mast-Cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and a myriad of other conditions.

Zack West


Source: Optimus Medica

Histamine’s broad role in our bodies makes it relevant to nearly every major system. As such, dysregulated histamine can impact nearly every major system. Be it from a downregulated HNMT gene, excess histamine consumption, or gut dysbiosis — resulting sometimes in histamine intolerance (HIT) — can wreak absolute havoc on a body.

Both dietary and genetic considerations dictate the dynamics of histamine in our bodies. Research shows those with certain genetic variations are more susceptible to histamine dysregulation. Further complexity arises from the influence of certain foods and supplements on histamine.


  • Histamine plays a complex role in the human body
  • Histamine intolerance (HIT) may result from many issues



Zack West

Entrepreneur, programmer, designer, and lifelong learner. Can be found taking notes from Mother Nature when not hammering away at the keyboard.